Still on the Climb? Keep on

I have been a man on the climb. Though I may have been on a quite dawdling pace, which sometimes deadens my spirit, I still keep hope alive. I have fallen, I know. Yes, countless time. But I have always said no; always picked something each time, stood up and moved on. I have always believed. Resolute. Hoping. Trusting. I must have failed if I stayed down each time I fell.  No, I am not such a fraidy-cat. The prize is somewhere up there. I know. And that’s why I clime, making moves, taking decisions (right and sometimes wrong), trying,pushing - eyes on the mark, the prize to gain; and when the gold is in my grab, only then must I have attained. But would that even be the end? Oh! No. There would always be something for man to climb. I always do.
How about you; have you been climbing too; did you fall at any point? Still down? Oh, that would be tragic. Yea, 2014 perhaps came with loads of hopes, promises and even opportunities. But most of them, like straying embers, went off with the wind. Let them go! The good news is - God can make all things new…and then what is lost can be found. The year 2014 is in the past, but 2015 is here. You must let the past be and live for the now and the future. Make every moment count and keep your eyes on the mark. You must keep climbing, for somewhere up there is the prize, the beginning of the end of man’s endless scratch.
I like to imagine that success has neither a permanent friend nor foe. That it lived somewhere faraway uphill that men would always climb. If 2015 came with arduous tasks like the years past, then rejoice, for therein lies the secret of man’s happiness; for “no unwelcome tasks” writes Alexandra Maclaren “become any less unwelcome by putting them off till tomorrow. It is only when they are behind us and done, that we begin to find that there is a sweetness to be tasted afterward, and that the remembrance of unwelcome duties unhesitatingly done is welcome and pleasant….”

Keep working! Keep climbing!
Welcome to 2015.


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