I found a precious hand

Precious Chimnonso
Few days ago I was in Jos, Plateau state capital. I was there for something else, but my curiosity led me to a place where I found one of the most beautiful and astonishing things I have seen this this year; where I met a little boy  with a golden hand. He says, “my hand itches when am not drawing.” Hmmm!

Last week, I read what my friend wrote on her blog, omachies.blogspot.com, about her Itchy Fingers; how her fingers in time past dreamt of “how they would produce bestsellers before they moved out of teenage hood, how they would stun the world with the amazing things they could create”. She thinks her fingers had gone cold, but no. From what I read in that piece, it was obvious that her once fragile fingers (according to her) were either never cold/fragile or are getting stronger and firmer, and I didn’t hesitate to tell her in the comment box.

This story is not about Omachies and her itchy fingers. No. I found another hand that is gifted and precious, and this hand belongs to a young, smart lad. His name is Precious Chimnonso.
Precious is an artist I can boast; a 13-year-old boy who is not afraid but determined to follow the path he believes God has destined him. Though quite young, Precious is already carving a niche for himself. I started tracing him when his younger brother innocently told me “my brother can draw very well”. Then my curiosity got pricked. Really? I told him I would like to see. I asked a lot of questions but the little fearless boy had little answer. So I trailed them and found myself in their house. And this is what I found:
A woman breastfeeding her baby
(Art by Precious Chimnonso)
But that was not all. The young boy had other unfinished work he captioned ‘my dream car’. I watched him finish that piece, literally following the paint brush in his hand from the table unto the board. This, again is the result:
(Art by Precious Chimnonso)
And when I asked for a gift from the emerging painter, he  asked "what would you like me to draw for you?" "Any beautiful bird" I said. He made me a multicloured pigeon. I was patient to wait. And this is my gift from the boy with a gifted hand:
(Art by Precious Chimnonso)
Later, I had a chat with young Precious. He told me: “I found that this is where my future lies. It is my talent,” he said.
“I think drawing and painting naturally comes from inside. I started drawing when I was in the primary school, and it has not left me.
“Drawing to me is a hobby. When the environment gets boring, I just pick a paper and pencil and start drawing….”  

That evening I looked keenly at this little boy, his sincerity and love for this art; I thought of what could become of him in the next decade. Can you imagine? Hmm! I had just but a comment for him – “there is no limit to where you can go”. So, go, go, my little friend, the world is waiting!

Send us email via frankyiykman@yahoo.co.uk or iykman247@gmail.com if know any young person that is doing something worth celebrating, especially those who hasn’t got the platform to reach the world.


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