Lets talk Adiche's 'Olikoye' and Nigeria today

Source: Bella naija 
Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche is one of the most avid and beautiful writers of my time. I am convinced that this is not an overstatement. She is a writer after my own heart. I am not a fan just because she is a Nigerian, and hail from the same coal city state as myself and grew up in Nsukka, a place I am proud to call home.

I love Adiche because in every piece of her writing she  doesn't leave me blind or confused. Adiche makes me see - painting real, vivid pictures of my immediate environment as it is. My love for Adiche's craft will not die.

Her latest short story, "Olikoye" is an epic. For me, it is the greatest tribute to Olikoye Ransome-Kuti - that paediatrician and health campaigner, arguably the best cabinet minister Nigeria ever had.

This will be our talking point as I set to release a post on this soon. Lets hear what you think about the story an its effect as it relates to current realities in Nigerian today.

Meanwhile, here is Adiche's beautiful Olikoye for your read.

Side note:we have some interesting discussions on my Facebook fan page. I use the platform often to crowd-source for my future posts.

So, if you want to be in the loop or even be mentioned on my blog, ensure you "like" my FB page and follow all the updates. 


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