One pleasant Sunday

Hello friends, hope you've been good. Here's hoping the week brings lots of goodies.

So, we have been working, thinking - so much about you. Yes you. It is a passion, and we have been enslaved therewith. Yous faithfully have got some great heads on his team, people with whom together we will bring the revolution you've been dreaming about. But you owe us your patience.

We converged yesterday, these great heads. (I know I owe you the images. But I've ignored that for some good reasons). We talked about you. About  all that you don't understand about our government and how to clear all the ambiguities that now cloud your head. We talked about making you understand what democracy truly is - as against every popular gibberish narrative - about your active participation.  Change, truly is you. You have to believe this.

We talked about the decadence that is our societies now and the possible recipes to a saner clime; and the briskness with which hope is disappearing in our time.

And it was beautiful.
And we are hopeful

That's what happened yesterday. And it was a cool, super fabulous Sunday.

Yours faithfully is engaging in something that would outlive him. And he is passionately enthusiastic.

Thanks for trusting. For believing. For stopping by.

Much love from here


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