read with astonishment Chimamanda Adiche’s opinion on the anti-gay law from a
post a friend shared on my facebook wall. “Chimamanda, chekwa ezigbo echiche,”
he simply commented atop the story. I think it was a sensible reaction to the
now controversial and yet shocking disposition of the literary ace on the anti-gay
law that recently got a presidential sanction. Chimamanda titled her story “why can’t he just be like everyone else?” And
in answering the question she named the character in her perfectly crafted short
intro fiction to her controversial opinion “Sochukwuma,” only God knows! “We
don’t know”. The long and short of Adiche’s view on criminalising homosexuality
was carefully and technically subsumed in the short anecdotal fiction in her story.
Her submission was explicit and unequivocal: “Sochukwuma” was not and could not
be responsible for his sexual disorientation; he could not have chosen a lifestyle
as such; it was congenital. She called it ‘benign
difference.’ Clearly, in the case of Sochukwuma, Adiche has not absolved
him for his disorientation; but she believes he cannot be condemned for what he
“don’t know”.
if we go with Adiche and support Sochukwuma’s purported innocence, there will
still be a need to criminalise homosexuality. The anti-gay law, obviously is
not just about Sochukwuma and his likes – there is still the case of people,
those who as President Museveni wrote “become homosexuals for mercenary
reasons” or rather have directed their homosexuality for mercenary purposes.
The Ugandan president believes such people should be “harshly” punished.
It is not difficult to be
influenced by Adiche’s perfect narratives, and concur that Sochukwuma should be
exonerated and thus not be discriminated or made to suffer for what he “don’t
know” why. But there is more to the sodomy law than painted in Adiche’s
narrative. I could not toe her line of thinking. “Sochukuma” is only a
character in a well crafted fiction, and Adiche, I know is an exceptional
literary pundit. ‘A writer is like a small god,’ my mentor once told me, ‘he
creates men and things, and have them do whatever he wishes; sometimes he sees
through their heads and thinks for them.’ Adiche, no doubt, presented a beautiful
literary piece there. But this is not about literature or imaginary things or
people; it is not about sentiments and compromise; it is about people,
societies, government and what they stand for; it is about preserving a sane,
value-conscious and morally dignified society. Sochukwuma should have real
human and not fictitious face or identity. And only then shall all of us, including
my literary friend, begin to see and discern the deeper truth – that sodomy
truly is a forbidden and abominable act, at least in Africa, and more
particularly in Nigeria. It is possible that Adiche, through her Sochukwuma
story have attracted a bunch of rigid fellows. They nod their heads as they
read the story and say ‘yes, it is true.” But the truth, remember, has many
I see Adiche as a
friend and a model too. But I am stunned at her surprising disenchantment for
true African values. She called our government “a failed democracy” not for many
other reasons that truly bedevil her, but because it criminalises
homosexuality, because it does not protect the right of few value and morally dissenting
fellows. She said the anti-gay law is “a strange priority in a country with so
many real problems.” But this too, dear Adiche, is one of such real problems
that has the capacity of denting our cultural identity as a people; and am shocked
at your punctured value consciousness as an African, a Nigerian and most
importantly Nwafor Igbo. The biblical
Sodom and Gomora was not destroyed because it had a bad or irresponsible
government, it was because of their vain orientation and moral disenchantment.
Loss of value precedes loss of identity. But no, Adiche does not think this
way. Let me quote the Liberian President, Sirleaf Johnson in a joint interview
with the British prime minister, Tony Blair: “we have got certain traditional
values in our society that we would like to preserve.” This is what we are
talking about, dear Adiche, that sodomy is alien to African culture, that we
are different from America and other countries that condone homosexuality. If
my 75-year old father kissed his wife in the public, he loses credibility; if
your daughter wears a skimpy dress or clothes that left her cleavages bare in
Nsukka she is tagged wayward or even prostitute. But this is not the story in
America and many European countries.
Now, I believe my
friend (Precious), who said “it takes patriotism and determination to be an
AFRICAN in a WHITE land.” But I have always seen Adiche as a true African
identity and thought little of her susceptibility.