Keeping Up With 'Dates'

Ever been on a date before? Yea! Many, many times I hear you guys say. Did it all work? Many went sour, I know. But did you give up? No, you don’t give up. You keep on. You try again and again, till you win. Here, I want to propose a date to you. It’s not like the ones you’ve had before; not the romantic engagement with some licentious, promiscuous, cheap ladies; it is a valuable, purposeful and far enriching romance with a ‘special’ fruit. But you need to keep up with this date. You need to be faithful…and then you will definitely gain. It is the Date palm fruit! How much do you know about this elegantly charming fruit? I’ll tell you more. Come… Dates are fruits of the date palm, a tree mainly grown in the dry arid regions. It is native to Africa (mainly North Africa) and western Asia. Here, it is most popular and common in the northern part of the country. We call it Debino. Remember? Dates can be eaten fresh or dried. Though used as ingredient in sweets, cakes an...