The Rainbow will come, I know

The man must be dead who refuses to dream; who has stopped believing. There is no life in him. But life (and strength) comes from, and is in him who knows and believes that “the world makes way for the man who knows where he is going…” In every “casting down”, I know there is a “lifting up”. I am a firm believer. Yes. I am. It has been ages (and I miss you guys) since I said or shared anything here. I have been on a hibernate mode, grossly distracted by life issues. My friend calls it “life grinds”. They try to knock me off the ground. The latest of all that happened was devastating, a deep shock. It still shocks. But pain demands to be felt. I know. I have a child-like believe in what I do. I believe in it, the way people believe in fairytales. And that’s why I can’t stop. My blogger friend, Chiegboka once wrote about her ItchyFingers , “…my fingers …have been silent for so long, the joints ache to come back to life. They had big dreams when they were firmer...